Update: Peter B.

Looking at your site today, I see that Greg Aust is reportedly still alive! However, as a witness to his lifestyle, I am a bit surprised.

When he quit, which was his usual behavior, I moved from evenings to mid-days where I stayed for several years until the new GM decided he wanted an older, Hardwick-Morton style personality to work as the bologna (10-2) in the Morton-Hardwick sandwich. I moved back to nights, and eventually was laid off during the transition to talk.

I recall being the in DJ office early one evening prepping my show, and hearing Greg in a heated conversation with PD Don Hofmann. Greg did not want to be bothered at home, so he had his phone removed, and there was no such thing as a cell phone in 1974! Don wanted to be able to reach Greg, and Greg did not want to be reached. I did not hear the end of the conversation, but the next day I was brought into the GMs office along with Don, and was told that they wanted me to work mid-day (10-1), and I would receive a raise to about $17,500! I was delighted.

I also have a story about Don Fuhrman shouting f–k on the air while reading the news and a story about the first staff meeting with PD Tom Straw when Hardwick shouted an obscenity and walked out!

Here is an aircheck of my first week at KVI in Feb.73 when I was filling in for Morton. A week earlier I had been at KJRB. Bits of KJRB show up on the aircheck as I was using an old cassette. I am so glad I saved this!

By the way, I am now in Roseville CA and I am announcing for Rocklin HS.


**There have been conflicting reports concerning the health/death of Greg Aust.

By the way, I am not sure we can say f–k on this blog, before 10 p.m. at least!

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