Stacked Deck

Imagine a news staff at KOMO 4 tv that leaned Conservative, rather than Liberal. It is obvious to readers of the Facebook accounts of local media personalities, that 99.99% of the media is biased and “all in” toward the Left/Liberal/Democrat agenda. If Sinclair management wants to fashion their stations after FOX News, and hire talking heads that support Trump and the Conservative agenda, that is their prerogative. Anyone currently working at KOMO tv can do as others do when they lose their jobs. Keeping your resume up to date and having a great video CV is something all tv reporters and anchors should stay on top of. If FOX cleans house at KCPQ 13 when that company takes over at the close of the Sinclair-Tribune deal, there would be no tears from this blogger. I read the commentary and Facebook news postings of the KOMO & KCPQ personalities. They are all in the same camp. They hate Trump, still tear up when the name Obama is mentioned and have not gotten over the trauma caused by the 2016 election results. They are angry, bitter and spew their venom all across the pages of Facebook. One Q13 reporter has a segment on the Q13 newscast called “The Divide.” The divide is where most of these Libs will congregate, planning their next protest and widening the divide due to their intolerance of the opposition. When questioned about her bias and intolerance, that tv talking head snapped back, referring to this blog as “obscure”, and then blocked yours truly from her FB account. Libs preach inclusion and tolerance, but that is just to hear themselves talk. They don’t practice what they preach and will shout over you when you try to speak. They may even hit you with a brick. When they can’t win the argument, they often resort to violence. Maybe the staff at a couple Seattle tv stations will find themselves hitting the bricks in search of new jobs, once Sinclair acquires the Tribune stations and FOX takes over Q13.

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