Q13 FOX news editor fired for altering video

In today’s “My Northwest.com, 770 KTTH talk-show host Todd Herman reports that a “Q13 FOX” KCPQ news editor has been fired for altering a clip of President Trump’s Tuesday Oval Office address.  One of Herman’s listeners submitted a video clip  recording.  In it, the video showed uncomplimentary & unfavorable images of the President, including alterations of his facial expressions and even skin tone.  Q13’s news director stated that the results of an internal investigation plus comparison of simultaneous video shot of the President’s speech by the network & other broadcast sources, revealed deliberate negative portrayal of President Trump.  The station has made it clear that such treatment of news & editorial comment is unacceptable.

1 thought on “Q13 FOX news editor fired for altering video

  1. You know I matter deplorable life’s matter .I’m am so sick and tried of hearing this crap I’m ready to take a stand day after day after day have will travel so to say my voice will be heard . Loadly yes I’m a republican .so what does not make me a bad person racist biggot or any other fine feathered word anyone wants to put to it the riots are one sided they are destroying the country and no seems to care well I do a county once proudly boldly one nation under God . Sick and tried tried and sick . Obama had 8 years give trump the same respect what’s 4 more years going to hurt protesters will be back out protesting rioters will do what they do in 4 years that a given .so again I say what’s 4 more years going to hurt

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