Did Bash’s jackknife cut the mustard?

[pictured: Buck & Bobby] Kountry KAYO program director Bashful Bobby Wooten had a home recording studio. He also had a record label, G-R-C (General Recording Company), and he owned the R. G. Wooten Music Publishing Company.

Buck Ritchey, not one to hide his opinion, had a couple of favorite
on-air critiques he might make after spinning a record that he thought,
for any number of reasons, didn’t quite merit air play on KAYO: 1)
“That’s a kind of a ho-hum sort of a sort of a thing.” 2) “That record
sounds like it was cut with a dull jackknife in Bashful Bobby’s basement.”

Here is GRC-111. You may have heard the “A” side, “The Slave”. It’s been floating around the internet for years.

The “B” side is “Busy Signal”, out of my personal collection and one of my favorites. Buck wrote “The Slave” and co-wrote “Busy Signal”.


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