Spencer Bowman, Reference / Archivist Librarian at Tacoma Public Library, created a short video about the early days of broadcasting in Puget Sound, specifically Tacoma.
He packed a lot of info into this video. A fine effort from the Tacoma Public Library. The Northwest Room, at the main library, is a great source of information, including the Tacoma News Tribune archive.
Lou Robbins — Admin/Editor | Airchecks
KTOY | KVAC (WA-1974) | KDFL (WA-1975) | KTTX (TX- 1976) | KWHI (TX-1976) | KONP (WA-1977) | KBAM (WA-1978) | KJUN (WA-1983) | KRPM (WA-1984) | KAMT (WA-1986) | KASY (WA-1988) | KBRD (WA-1989) | KTAC (WA-1990) | KMTT (WA-1991) | KOOL (AZ-1994)