Gary Shipe (KIXI) Retires

Gary Shipe
From his FB notification:
It has been a fun run, but I am about to hang up the headphones and retire. Theresa Shipe and I have been working toward this for a long time and have decided there is no need to delay. I will be on the air at KIXI the rest of the week. My last shift will be Friday from 3p – 7p. (they may run encores of Beatles Backbeat…I have almost 5 years worth in the can)
I have had the support of many people over the years and learned something from so many it would take forever to mention, but… Thanks to Brad Hoffman for giving me my first gig in radio about 40 years ago. Also Carol Handley for giving me my second break in radio about 18 years ago. Thanks to Dan Murphy for yet another go-round when it looked like it might skid to a halt about 7 or 8 years ago. And the late Jim Kampmann who was a great mentor in the Public Affairs arena, he was a pro. I have loved working at Sandusky/Hubbard very much, the people there made it truly a fun place to work. Particular thanks go to Benny Mathers, Stephen Mills, Matt Riedy, Dianna Rose and Jay Phillips for making so easy to be the new guy back then.

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