Sam Lawson’s Audio Vault: KJR Christmas contest with Tom Murphy, December, 1970

Remember the contest where parents would call in and force their kids to talk to a tape of Pat O’Day (as Santa)? This cut is very short but sweet as Tom Murphy speaks with a very young contestant. There’s also a live spot for Valu-Mart, and a “KJR, Seattle, Leave it on 95” jingle.

Runtime: 1:17

2 thoughts on “Sam Lawson’s Audio Vault: KJR Christmas contest with Tom Murphy, December, 1970

  1. Some of the clothing styles, flared pants, scarves, and frilly shirts, should not have been worn by men. These items, like the platform shoes John Travolta wore in Saturday Night Fever, were the fashion of pimps. Excuse me, I don’t want to go off on a tangent.

    Now, let us all open our Bibles to Leviticus 18 and 20…

    On another subject, televisions have always been over-priced. I think $219 was a bit much for a portable tv (1970 price).

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