Mailbag: An Update from Steve Sibulsky

From MAY 28, 2020 (updated with picture above and pics of business cards)

Steve Sibulsky sent this revision/update for his bio on our TALENT page:

Steve Sibulsky – After being at KBRD from 1982 to 1984, moved back east of the mountains with my wife and 3-month old daughter. Landed at KXLY AM/FM/TV as audio production talent and TV studio crew. In the fall of 1985 I began 8 great years as Operations Manager of KVNI AM in Coeur d’Alene, where we built 94.5 FM, first as a class-A country station, then a class-C rocker. (There are only two FM stations that originated in Coeur d’Alene, and I helped build both of them!) Left full-time radio for other interests, then opened my VO project studio in 1995. Now retired to sunny southern Arizona, where I still do occasional voice work.

2 thoughts on “Mailbag: An Update from Steve Sibulsky

  1. That was quite the place! KTAC looked at Mt Rainier, but KBRD had the great Olympic range sunsets!! KBRD was a strong # 2 to KIRO-AM most books. They had the cume, we had the TSL. I think I had a #1 in PM drive for older adults for one book…maybe spring ’84. Learned a lot about programming and mgmt from Todd Shelton & Harold Greenberg. It’s also where I met Dick Haugen, who I later hired to do mornings at KVNI!!

  2. Good to see you’re doing well Steve. Used to hang out with you every once in a while in the Bird control room. I was just couple of rooms away. Still recall KBRD being #1 or close 6 plus in the whole market during the time you were there. I hang out in Mesa several time a year now that my brother and I have bought a place there.

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