Mailbag: Missing anchor mystery and ratings disputes

Readers continue to ponder the disappearance of KIRO 7 anchor, Michelle Millman. Could Millman be negotiating with KCPQ 13? Stations like to have huge promotions during holiday periods. That’s when we might see Michelle Millman return. Just a guess. Promos may appear soon.

News that didn’t make the news

The ratings are always interpreted differently by readers based on likes and dislikes. We all have an opinion. Numbers for NewsRadio KNWN are in the basement and it hasn’t gotten better over the past many books. We hear that Lotus has laid-off a large portion of the staff. That would be no surprise. Lay-offs are not unusual in the tv-radio business. Especially year end, holiday period pink-slipping.

If wishes were horses
AAA formatted KPNW ratings have not rebounded after the killing of The Bull 98.9 FM. The Country music format was abandoned for what Hubbard thought Seattle listeners might welcome, Album rock with a local music mix. It ain’t happening. That train left the station after KMTT The Mountain switched to Hippity-Hop KHTP. Plus, PNW Mountain folk have all gone over to KEXP 90.3 and are happy there. KEXP offers live, local music artist performance as well as that eclectic mix of music listeners crave. KEXP had a 2.6 share compared to the KPNW 1.0 in the last Nielsen (October 2023 PPM 6+ Mon-Sun, 6a-12mid).

Go toward the light
Might we suggest that some radio station try an Oldies format? 60s, 70s, 80s and more! Couldn’t hurt any of the stations currently stuck in the ratings basement.

1 thought on “Mailbag: Missing anchor mystery and ratings disputes

  1. I wish her well. She’s come out in front of serious health issues. Knew an anchor/reporter @ KIRO that left feeling she was “aging out” there. Maybe similar? Hope she finds a place to land.

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