Year-end Political News Round-up: Tracy Taylor says “Let’s get to work Auburn! “

After leaving the TV-RADIO biz for a gig with the City of Kent, Tracy Taylor decided to run for a seat on the Auburn City Council. The longtime, popular Seattle Traffic TV and radio personality got the official final word on her election win toward the end of November once all the ballots had been counted. Tracy worked at KING5, KIRO7 and KIRO radio.

3 thoughts on “Year-end Political News Round-up: Tracy Taylor says “Let’s get to work Auburn! “

  1. We hesitate to post political news here at QZVX. Ahem, but, this is Tracy Taylor, folks! Congrats, Tracy. You have dipped your toes in the dirty pool. We will be watching as your political career takes off. (Dang! If she would have just run for Governor, we could have gotten rid of that waste of skin currently sitting in Olympia.)

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