UPDATE: KEVIN KO responds; bounced from KIRO7

April3, 2024 —It looks like another one bit the dust. Kevin Ko has been removed from the KIRO7 news site.

That could be by choice or a contractual issue. Kevin Ko has not posted on Facebook or Twitter in many months. No update on his situation.
Why he has not kept up on social media posting (not even any dance videos or Tiktoks!!!!) might be an issue since stations push their personalities to be OUT THERE. — Jason

37 thoughts on “UPDATE: KEVIN KO responds; bounced from KIRO7

  1. I stopped watching after Michell left. I love the way her and Nick would joke around. I hate the people they have on in the morning show they are so dryKevin was great to watch he gave you great energy in the morning. I pray he is doing well he will be missed

  2. I think Kevin, Niku are going to be great losses. I’m hanging in because Nick is still the best. Don’t let him go.

  3. Some news outlet is going to get a real gem in Kevin!!! Let’s be real, it was Kevin’s energy, personality, and adaptability that made watching pleasurable. The current lineup is underwhelming at best. Kevin was the reason I continued to watch Kiro 7 news. I’m going to join Kevin…I’m out too!!! SMH

  4. I wish I could find it, but there was an Instagram story about is going away party and one of the attendees posted “good luck in SF” so sounds like he’s moving home to California and will likely join one of the stations in the Bay Area.

  5. What the HECK is going on at KIRO? Michelle Millman, Lauren Donovan, Niku Kizori, Claire Anderson, Ilona McCauley and now Kevin Ko?…all gone? All of them had great energy and dedication to work early mornings and weekends. I want to keep supporting Nick Allard, Dee Dee Sun and Lindsey Sheldon, but they can’t carry the broadcast alone. Get it together KIRO!!

  6. Why on earth would they let Kevin go? He brought high energy to the show loved watching him its shameful he is no longer on Kiro 7 news. Not the same without him they are all over the place with whos coming and going. Miss him wish him nothing but the best

  7. I miss Kevin Ko so much! What is wrong with KIRO news? He was so versatile and with a great personality. And just like with Michelle Mellman, she disappeared and they wouldn’t give us any information. I even called the Station because I was concerned that she was sick, and was told that she is fine but they are unable to give out any informaion about her. I am very upset about this. Kevin has a great future, unfortunately, KIRO did not see it!

  8. We are no longer watching KIRO in the morning. Kevin Ko was our reason for watching. We love Nick….but the rest of that crew is unwatchable. Kevin was the best reporter in the morning. KIRO..you are losing viewers every day…we are watching 13 now in the morning.

    1. your right most of the kiro crew is a lost cause. the only reason I still watch is the only cannel I can stream for free. thanks dirk tv. thats AKA DIRECT TV.

  9. Sad to see Kevin Ko isn’t a part of KIRO7 anymore. I loved how energetic he was, he made all his reports, the traffic and weather lively. Plus, he was empathetic to the people/situations he reported about. I think everyone would agree, he was a great personality for KIRO, and there is noone alive who can top his quips!! Miss you Kevin!!

  10. Kevin was my favorite, why would they drop him? He’s awesome! Well, I’m done with KIRO, back to KOMO!

  11. He was one of the reasons I watched Kiro. I’m so upset that he is gone. Keep the faith,I’m sure you’ll find a better place to work that will appreciate you!

  12. What a Loss!!! I’m Not going to watch KIRO any more until you tell your viewers what happened to Kevin Ko!

    Do you not care what your viewers want?

    WHAT A LOSS!!!!!!

  13. Why does KIRO not respect its viewers enough to let us know where Kevin Ko has gone? We loved him. We loved him as part of the group. He was a real asset.
    We deserve to know. It is so sad that he is gone.

  14. Kevin was my favorite. My husband and I loved his energy. I will miss him so much. If there is a way to get him back, please, please bring him back! He is the main reason we watch Kiro. Side note, he went to college with my neice. Same major and everything.

  15. Kevin’s energy was infectious. At 1st hard to keep up, but then, he slowed downed so we cld keep up. His bubbly positivity even when sharing bad news whether it was traffic, weather or news was infectious. I keep checking to see if he’s back.

  16. KIRO seemed to like him as well. Using him as a fill in Anchor, traffic, and reporter. Maybe he’ll tell us what happened.
    I personally thought he was doing a good job.

    1. I loved getting ready for my day while watching Kevin give his various reports. He was my “Energizer Bunny”.

      If he did leave, for whatever reasons, I wish him well, and hope he remains in the Pacific Northwest.

      1. I really liked seeing Kevin Ko doing traffic reporting and on the live desk. What in the hell is wrong with Kiro 7 getting rid of all their stars?!!!

        1. I agree. What is their problem? I discussted with them Kevin Ko was loved by a lot of people and I am not going to watch it any more. They have terrible people at the top.

          1. So sorry to see Kevin Ko is no longer on Kiro news 7 in the morning. He was the life of the show!! Loved the energy he brought and his humor. The show is definitely not the same without him.

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