KIRO cans Jesse Jones; Now, how will consumers Get Jesse?

Wayne Lynch reports:Jesse Jones, in a brief message to friends and former colleagues, revealed today that he has been let go by Seattle’s KIRO TV. The longtime consumer advocate reporter/anchor previously worked at KING5 here under the ‘Get Jesse’ franchise. No word on what’s next, but it is a huge loss for, not only the station, but countless viewers who have received help from him for years now. … He actually started in 1989 as a promoter op and receptionist at KSTW.

22 thoughts on “KIRO cans Jesse Jones; Now, how will consumers Get Jesse?

  1. Meh…..he cherry picked stories and flat out ignored everyone else. Not sure how one would miss someone who did nothing.

  2. And the local stations expect us to have any respect for them? Why the hell should I, when they let Jesse Jones go? I will no longer be watching this station and I’m not to sure about the others either. Who are we to trust anymore?

    Channel 7 also canceled Blue Bloods. I guess they like canceling all the good ones. 😡😡😡

    1. Toni:
      Channel 7 also canceled Blue Bloods.

      KIRO 7 did not cancel Blue Bloods. CBS Network cancelled the show. KIRO 7 had nothing to do with it. Just sayin’

      CBS decided that Blue Bloods was too expensive to continue producing, and that concern was never going to be offset by the strength of its ratings.

  3. But now who can we reach out to if we were wronged as a consumer. …Thank you for at least having this avenue of communication!

    Tammy Baker

    1. You could reach out to the FCC (, FTC (;, WA OAG ( and WA OIC ( for redressal. They are prompt, carry weight and have teeth to enforce.
      I recently complained to the FCC on CenturyLink’s prolonged outage and no/deceptive responses – got a WRITTEN reply within a week from CenturyLink (with the promise of a refund) and followups from the FCC. KIRO7 have yet to respond!

    2. I did forget (in my previous reply) of another WA agency that is also excellent in redressal of consumer complaints: WAC L&I (
      Please remember that the agencies I have listed (FCC/FTC/WA OAG/WAOIC/WA L&I) handle hundreds of complaints and are mandated by law (Federal & State) to investigate all complaints. The key element is that you need to document and provide factual evidence to bolster your complaint, which will result in an early redressal.

  4. Jesse wasn’t all that great and he jumped ship from King 5. King 5 still has the best Investigative (and tenacious) reporting team. Jesse wasn’t all that informed: Example: he went chasing “Radar Speed Trap cameras” without knowing what the laws governing them are.

  5. Oh, darn. Was just thinking of writing to Jesse at KIRO. What idiots to let him go – a main reason for watching that channel. This is really a shame; he has helped so many and it’s really sad thinking of all those he could have helped if he was retain. Double Darn.

  6. I think the Washington State Attorney General’s office should hire Jesse and build a “fraud investigation” department. He’s already laid the groundwork with his excellent investigations at KING 5 and KIRO 7, and is a household name in the PNW. I’d produce his investigations any day.

    1. Splendid idea! I always thought he was one of the best at what he does helping the little guy. Besides, he had a great and warm personality and was very likable. I bumped into him in line at a restaurant once and he was engaging, friendly and gracious.

    1. Yep….investigative reporting has largely gone missing.
      Way too much infotainment, or big industry ads, or meme-type junk, or political opportunism, passed-off as “news stories”.

  7. Those KIRO Coxbites would probably fire JP Patches if he were still alive and doing the kiddie show. None of the Seattle tv stations have the decency and integrity they once had under local ownership.

    1. Apollo Global’s modus operandi is to cut to the bone and then cut some more. If this is how they run a station in Seattle, imagine how shoestring the Dayton stations must be these days.

      As for local ownership, KIRO hasn’t had that since 1964. I’ve always been slightly amazed the Mormons let J.P. and Gertrude (especially Gertrude) continue after they bought the station. There had to be a few boardroom conversations about them in Salt Lake over the years.

    2. “None of the Seattle tv stations have the decency and integrity they once had under local ownership.”

      That sums up Seattle TV in a nutshell.

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