Even the Great Pumpkin tunes out Gee & Ursula

165 views and no interaction. This is social media response to the KIRO midday show. Is anyone listening to that show? We need to see the numbers.

5 thoughts on “Even the Great Pumpkin tunes out Gee & Ursula

  1. Their audience seems to interact with them directly on their show page, which is on Facebook. Maybe the people who are fans just go there, and the general KIRO posts aren’t where they engage.

  2. They should talk about how 1330 KGRG is back on the air in Enumclaw. Presumably with a massive 770 Watts during the day. That would be a good topic.

      1. I’m not ranking on them simply because they are left-leaning. The major deal breaker is that Gee has not developed any skill behind the mic and still comes off sounding like the kid shouting “world star” on Tik Tok videos.

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