UPDATE: Weekend Wrap-Up– RADIO IS DEAD; PLUS- Celeb TV news is alive and well while MSNBC burns to the ground

QZVX has received word from sources who know things, that Radio has died. There are rumors surrounding a cover-up, including the use of syndicated programming, a fleet of corporate air personalities impersonating local talent, and indications that the few remaining local air talents have actually been removed and replacements wearing masks to look like the personalities, were being used. There are many questions to be asked. Some photos have been leaked.
We will attempt to uncover all the information. This story is on-going.
We are trying to get the autopsy report for RADIO. Death came slowly, we do know that much. It was as agonizing for listeners as it was for employees of local radio stations who were caught up in down-sizing and layoffs.
Witnesses report that RADIO bled out on the pavement, life-saving attempts proved futile. It was, said several on the inside, an execution, well-planned by corporate. Though it is reported that RADIO is on life support, we believe Time of Death needs to be called.

(Insideradio) Washington – Washington State University has filed a $15,000 deal to buy a Centerville, WA-licensed construction permit for a Class C3 station at 90.5 FM from Growing Christian Foundation. Washington State University currently owns 19 stations in Washington and Idaho.

Wikipedia: As of June 2019, the K-LOVE network programming is aired over 520 FM stations and translators in 48 U.S. states, American Samoa, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia.

FACT: Rush Limbaugh, influential right-wing radio talk show host died at age 70. (February 17, 2021) –Seventy years young. Was Rush un-lived by Hilary Clinton?

Did WOLFMAN JACK predict the death of RADIO in this 1990s interview?

For some unknown reason, one-time celebrities have decided to move out of the country (USA).
Some celebs already had homes in foreign countries, others, like Ellen Degenerate made rather hasty moves…

The United States and the United Kingdom have a bilateral extradition treaty that allows the countries to extradite people wanted for serious crimes:
The treaty allows for the extradition of people wanted for crimes that are punishable by at least one year in prison or a more severe penalty. Political offenses are not extraditable.

On a different note: people at MSNBC are shaking in their boots as the liberal Left talk TV hits the skids— What could happen?

Coming soon…more information on the changes and possible sale of Comcast’s MSNBC property.

Last week’s TV ratings– HALLMARK channel beats MSNBC & CNN…(FORBES)

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