The 80’s: R&R tracks Contemporary Hit radio action in Tacoma-Seattle

One Day @ KVI in 1978

THE END: After 25 years, he’s dialing “S” for sign-off

3/13/88-Don’t Weep For J. Michael; He’ll Find Something

Hardwick returns to KVI; Crazy Steve Randall, KNBQ; Scotty Brink on KING-AM

1/25/87-Hardwick Kicks KIXI to the curb; KFRE becomes KRKO again; Patti Par returns to KMPS morning show

1985- Curious Cutbacks and Personnel Changes

KVI Begins Golden Oldies Format (1984)

Chuck Mahaffay & The Individuals, featuring Larry Coryell; Katherine Wise & Bea Donovan; The Bob Hardwick TV show.

2005 Obit: Buddy Webber, ‘Communicator’ was broadcaster at KVI, KOMO

Hardwick: Mid-Life Crisis & No Way Out; KAYO Was A Mistake; Radio Really Is ‘That Bad’

1974 – Bob Hardwick On Being Happy At KVI

Hardwick Hatches A Plan, Clif Kirk Leaves For Los Angeles, Gene Wike Quits KING 5 News

Bob Hale Fired, Listener Supported Talk Radio & Another Nixon Runs for Office

Hardwick Fights For Tax Reform

Bob Hardwick Targeted; Threatening Phone Call and Gunfire

KAYO down for the count; new format due today

Hardwick Broadcasts Dial-up Computer Service

On The Road Again with Hardwick

1972 TM Impressions Jingles For KVI 570

Will the Real KVI, Please Stand Up?

KTAC-Tacoma’s Big 85

Morton is shuffled to middays at KVI; Religious station uses Christian name

Hardwick at KTAC

Ratings Book Identifies Listener Favorites