KFKF 1330 Bellevue goes on the air

1995: Larry Nelson-radio vet; Rob Tepper-hot, young talent

Stokke gets an eyeful

Radio vet Stokke stoked to start new talk show with Mike Lonergan

Jerry Holzinger: The radio dial points to people

Flashback: Country KETO talks; Oceans of beautiful music return to KEZX

Merrill Mael: A major voice in radio

KTW Starts Rockin’, Imus In Traction

July 1973: Shake-up @ KYAC

Hedman, Salter, Stokke, Bras, Ivar & 1950s KJR

One For Seattle Radio Record Books: Kent Phillips, 35 Years @ KPLZ

Boone Kirkman Fight On Radio, The Voices Of Lan Roberts & Terry McManus, and Don Clark’s Prison Concerts

KFKF & KIRO Fight Over Hit Parade, Gary Shannon Marries, KYAC Staff Returns, & The Connors “Brothers” Explained

KURB Bikini Patrol, KVI Studio Parted Out & Cable Ownership Regulations

Stokke Shuns Rock For Finer Music

Radio Notes – February 20, 1969

November 1968 Radio Highlights

1968 Seafair Races & Random Radio Notes

Cosby’s Brown Hornet Debuts on KJR

KTAC AM & FM Simulcasting Ends; KIRO Young Sound Adds Talk

Cool KFKF Ad

KOL Progressive Rock Jocks Leave To Spend More Time With Family

Limited Broadcast Choices In The 1950s